An Appalachian Trail Sunrise Elopement, White Mountains, NH

The elopement of the year ladies and gents! We all met up in the afternoon on a warm Friday in September, and got ready in the parking lot at Crawford Notch, the start of this Appalachian Trail elopement (aka a blue blaze!). We hiked about 3 miles up to the AMC Mizpah Springs Hut and settled in. Erika and her friends were outside making a bouquet with some foraged pines and some florals they hiked up while Drew was inside hard at work on a puzzle.

The Morning Mount Pierce Elopement

After the best dinner of soup and lasagna that the Mizpah Hut croo made us, we played games until it was time for bed. There was a 4am wakeup after all! The alarms went off right on schedule, and the hair and makeup began by headlamp. The 3 of us made our way up the .5 miles to the ceremony spot, and started getting ready. We got SO lucky with the sunrise, and we had a beautiful blue and pink glow leading up to the ceremony time. All of their friends were gathered, and Erika's bestie officiated. The sun rose up over the White Mountains and presidential range as they said 'I Do'. It was truly a sight to see!

Following the White Blazes

Next, Erika and Drew romped around a bit after their friends went back to the hut just to take it all in. The 3 of us slowly made our way back to the hut too, and took lots of photos along the way. We just HAD to capture the dirty gown every step of the way. They hiked back along the Appalachian Trail after the elopement for a bit, and posed with a white blaze too. IYKYK!

I loved that they chose me as their photographer for this Appalachian Trail elopement because the trail feels like home. Fellow thru hikers need to stick together, too! Looking to plan a New Hampshire elopement but don't know where to start? Read this post on the best locations to elope in New Hampshire! I also put this post together on HOW to elope in New Hampshire, more of the nitty gritty.

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